Voice over Internet
Protocol, also called VoIP, IP Telephony,
Internet telephony,Broadband telephony, Broadband Phone and
Voice over Broadband is the routing of Voice conversations over the
Internet or through any other IP-based network |
Gabaygan aan
dhammayn wuxuu Cabdi Gahayr ka tiriyey mar ay reerkiisu geel ka saanyadeen
beelo kale oo Isaaq ah.
Bilaash iyo ciyaar looma helo bogiyo heemaale
Niman sabarka baaruud ku xidhan baar ma foofsado e
Rag bireysan buun iyo raraas boohin iyo qelo
Iyo labo bahood maalin ay boqol ku ruuxweydo
Belo iyo col baa lagu tabaa Baarax waligeede
Abwaanka gabay ma ka haysaa?
Halkan noogu soo tebi |